I was born in Romania, Eastern Europe, in mid 60’s.

I grew up in a communist country where people had 3 MAIN survival tools:



-Music/Dance parties


I’ve spent the first 2 decades and a half of my life in a large family, with 2 grandparents and their countryside neighbours, their 6 children (our moms, dads, aunts and uncles) plus their 10 children (cousins) plus their extended groups of party loving friends.

Our family was well known and very popular among its peers for their down to earth, hardworking, outgoing personalities, humour, party loving, highly social and generous nature. 


We’ve all spent countless weekends at our grandparents modest country house in their small but charming garden, among TENS of party animals humans, dancing, laughing and eating until we’d crash and then start all over again next weekend in someone else’s apartment or weekend getaway.

This lifestyle was all pervasive in many parts of our home city Bucharest, Romania’s capital and everywhere else in our country. Unity consciousness and laughing and partying our days through the extreme censorship, restrictions, poverty many times, hunger and scarcities of many kinds. 


Looking back through my current eyes, THAT era seems like a Hawaiian vacation comparing to the current worldwide situation since 2020, and I dream about it each day.

Back to Romania, our buildings were like giant families environments. We knew each neighbour lifestyle, struggles and successes.


We’d gossip behind closed doors about our suppressive communist regime and also share food, laughter, cigarettes and secrets. 

We’ve survived the extremely tough and traumatizing communist school regimes somehow.

Our German ethnic grandfather had a very large German Romanian extended family in the German ethnic part of Romania, which immigrated gradually since WW2 in West Germany and British Columbia, Canada.


As some of our immediate family members passed, some of us started to desire to also immigrate outside of the oppressive communist regime.

And so that’s how we’ve continued our immigrant family journey through early 80’s and end of 80’s, after many hurdles and adventures.

Our once large family was now scattered on 2 continents.


Some have remained in Europe while others came in USA and Canada.

Mom, sister and I were the very last family members to have arrived in Toronto, in fall of 1988, 1 year shy of the fall of the communism in Europe.

Our first 5 years in Toronto were lived on extremely hard work, adrenaline and more parties.


We’d put in 14 hrs shifts in Toronto’s largest luxury hotels (Sheraton, Sutton, MTCC, Four Seasons, Westin Harbour Castle) and then we’d finish our banquet hall waitressing large functions, go in our staff restrooms to wash and refresh a bit and then hit the party scene somewhere in TO’s nightclubs OR private parties. 


Then, as the years have gone by, life happened, our large family and close circle of friends started to gradually scatter in more and more distant places, countries and continents and even cross over.

Eventually, after 3 decades in Canada I’ve found myself with almost no immediate family around and due to me and my life partner moving far from Toronto, our old friends circles began to fade as well.


And so, before 2020 I’ve started to mentally plan and prepare for the possibility of launching an alternative wellness centre and a conscious party social movement but the <pandemic> have put it all on hold until this year.

Years of wishing and planning are now slowly but surely coming to fruition, aspiring to preserve and transmit and share with the world around that timeless party spirit, because the child in us is screaming to be heard and let out to continue on having fun.


The child within us never matures, only goes into hiding becoming ever sadder as the years going by leave their deep scars on our ageless, timeless souls.


The time has come to set the kid within FREE…

May the Party Spirit LIVE ON! 💖

Dance, laugh, play and heal your mind, body and soul

 💖💫 😍


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