
Showing posts from April, 2023

My music life

  The music’s Cinderellas yearn to get out… A lifelong closet musician artist... The music caterpillar who's becoming a butterfly   My very first Conscious memory of active MUSIC listening starts around 5 years young, in my weekly kindergarten.   The old French music piano teacher and her little solo vocalist… The kindergarten’s only solo vocalist, making the perfect stage team while making her mom very proud as all other parents were watching and listening with positive envy projected onto my mom, as she was tearing with parental pride watching one of her 2 Romanian children  singing in French, even if the child could not speak it…     Pre kindergarten’s childhood memories were also filled with music listening. YET somehow escaped my Conscious memory of it due to the trauma of my parents divorce when me and my sister were very young…before reaching 3 years of age… And so my mom shared with my adult self, years later how I was using music in a separate roo